
DMB Machinery and Agricultural Implements Ltd., was founded in August 5, 1964 in the city of Sertãozinho, State of Sao Paulo, the largest sugar and ethanol pole in the world.

Since from the beginning, DMB has always been attentive to the needs of its customers and has closely followed the development of the sugarcane sector, becoming the most traditional company in producing implements for the cultivation of cane sugar. Starting its activities in a modest area of 550 m2 which produced furrow openers for planting sugarcane, quickly DMB began to increase its market share and needed to expand its product line and move from their already inadequate facilities.

Today, in modern facilities located in an area of approximately 50,000 m2, with almost 10,000 m2 of built area, DMB manufactures an extensive range of implements that are used at all stages of the development of the sugarcane culture. Among them we can mention subs oilers, furrow openers, covering, soil leveling cultivators, cultivators for raw and burnt cane, trucks for distribution of mud filter cake, Surface fertilizer applicators, Fertilizers for raw cane with applications in depth, insecticide applicators in ratoon cane, rake sugar for raw cane.

Aware of the growing mechanization of the cane sugar culture, and close relationships with producers clients and research entities, DMB developed and launched on the market its sugarcane planters, including special row spacings, such as alternating double , becoming the absolute leader in mechanized planting segment of sugarcane in Brazil, besides exporting its planters for most of the sugarcane producers countries.

And the DMB can still grow more. The work of more than two hundred persons is characterized by commitment, creativity and dedication, always in close contact with customers, either through visits to producers, participation in fairs or international travel, the company is always researching and developing new products to offer new better alternatives to its customers. Tradition and quality of DMB equipment surpassed borders and today is present in all sugarcane producing areas of Brazil and in other sugar and ethanol producing countries from South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Africa.

Environmental responsibility is also a constant in DMB, including being the first company in the city of Sertãozinho, SP to implement an efficient wastewater treatment system that allows reuse of all water consumed in the manufacturing process of the company. Through a well prepared sales team and its service technicians and after-sales, as well as an efficient telemarketing service, coupled with the support of its many partners, DMB available to the market, all its experience and industrial innovations, firm in its intention to always carry solutions that contribute to the growth and technological development of its customers.